our Mission
We Exist to connect people with God, His church, and
His mission to the world!
Core Values
Jesus Christ is Lord.
By learning how to worship and obey Him, our aim is to bring Him glory in all areas of life.
The Bible is God's holy and inspired word.
It is the foundation for truth and the center from which all teaching and preaching must flow.
Prayer is God's invitation to experience His presence and power.
God loves to answer the prayers of His people. When we're diligent to seek Him, we will both know His heart and see His blessing.
Lost people matter deeply to God and therefore must matter deeply to us.
Since we at one time were lost, with an attitude of gratefulness we're compelled to unite with God to reach lost people within our sphere of influence.
The mission of the church is to make disciples.
Once lost people are found, it is our duty to create pathways to facilitate their personal growth toward Christian maturity.
God designed church life to be a balance of public celebration and intimate community.
Public worship must inspire with genuine celebration and relevant content. Small groups must inspire with authentic accountability and strategic care. Together, they must complete God's design for a fulfilling church experience.
Strategic service is the means by which we find ultimate fulfillment.
Every believer has the responsibility of using their spiritual gifts in conjunction with other members of the body. We are here to serve, not to be served.
We must create culturally relevant environments to accomplish our mission.
The gospel itself is changeless. Times however do change. To connect with people, we must create an atmosphere that is appropriate to the culture we're trying to reach.
We must strive for excellence in everything we do.
God deserves the very best we can give Him. It is therefore expected that every ministry and every endeavor will be accomplished with excellence.